Home > Needy Pennies, Needy Me

Needy Pennies, Needy Me

September 4th, 2011 at 03:49 am

I really hate how every penny now has a need. I loved having “leftover” money each month to put towards savings, debt repayment, or random expenses that came up. Now, even the auto-savings has a need. Every six months, the exact amount we put in will come out to pay for the car insurances.

I was just thinking that by time my husband’s schooling is over, we’ll have lived with my parents for 7ish years. Never in a million years did I think this would happen. How depressing.

So yeah, I’m not sure if I’m going to survive the next 4 years of scrimping by and additional debt. I really hope this proves to be worth it.

September’s goals:
[ ] Stick to tight budget
[ ] Increase income

5 Responses to “Needy Pennies, Needy Me”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Hang in there. Take it one month at a has a way of working out...sometimes even better than you imagined!

  2. TarWalker Says:

    Thanks Thrifty Ray. I'll try. :-)

  3. CB in the City Says:

    What kind of a degree is your husband working on?

  4. TarWalker Says:

    @CB - It's engineering. He will most likely graduate in 3.5 years, if not 3 since he's already talking about taking classes over the summer. His previous degree also knocks out all the gen eds and language requirements, so that should help him graduate faster.

  5. scottish girl Says:

    It will be worth it in the end when hopefully there's a well-paid job at the end of it. Has he managed to find other work yet?
    You can achieve your goals, just think positive Smile I'm cheering you on!

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