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Yet Again

February 10th, 2011 at 04:09 am

My husband finally received confirmation that he did not get the jobs he was very high in the rankings for back in November. He had made it to the top 6 and they hired 3. I’ve lost count how many times he was at the top x and 1 to 3 spots away from being the hired one out of hundreds of applicants. It’s ridiculous. So are the 4 to 5 month long application processes, and the bazillion rounds he has to go through each time.

We’re pretty bummed. My first reaction was to widen the search range, list all the other places he could/should apply to, when they’re due, and what he has to do. If we have to live long-distance for a year or two in order for him to get his dream job, I will do it. I’d do just about anything right now to get him his dream job. Of course, nothing I do will affect him getting it.

We’ve halted the puppy search for a couple of weeks. We wouldn’t have the time to take off in order to train and enjoy the puppy’s first few days with us these next two weeks. I’m tempted not to resume seriously looking though. Which is weird. I want a dog so bad. I begged and cried and pleaded my heart out to get the ok to look. In the end, this is a want not a need.

Plus, I’m iffy about the future of our income. I am starting to make a “tight” budget so that we can live off of his fluctuating paycheck alone. It will be quite tight. Less tight if I could stomach getting our own health insurance outside of the company. It would save us $500/month to do that, but then we lose the security of the company plan (not being denied or dropped). Plus, there would be no maternity coverage. While I am NOT planning on getting pregnant while in this situation, I know an Oops Baby could cost $10,000 without insurance, or more. Tons more if there are complications. Not a risk I’m particularly fond of…

We shall see.

Oh, and I've had two soda-pops this month. I guess I need constant rewards in order to stop completely.

1 Responses to “Yet Again”

  1. scottish girl Says:

    I'm so sorry to hear.

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