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Many Things

August 27th, 2011 at 01:44 am

There have been a lot of things to talk about financially, but I’ve been too tired to write about them the past several days. So here we go…

I’m not sure what I’m going to use the book income for. This round I just let it go into the joint fund so we could get school supplies. We’ll see when/if I sell the rest.

I asked for and got a credit limit increase on my credit card. Not as much as I wanted, but something is better than nothing. I won’t need it, but it’s good to have. They will be mailing me the reason why I can’t get the full increase I want.

I still haven’t moved my personal account yet. I haven’t had time yet and still aren’t sure where to put it. I like Wells online checking best out of the three I’ve had in the past. I need to check out the local credit union in town.

Husband’s last day of his part-time job was yesterday. He’s happy. And school starts Monday for him. He’s excited. I’m excited too, actually. Not as much as he, though.

We have financial aid worked out. Subsidized and unsubsidized loans cover tuition, fees, books, supplies, car loan for 4 months, and gas. It is more than we technically “need”, but this way we can have some wiggle room each month until we officially decide to sell car 2 or husband gets a part time job (we will decide on that in a few weeks). We can always pay it back if we don’t use it.

I’ve been asked by a state to file 2007 taxes… uh, I don’t owe that state taxes and I did file my 2007 taxes for the correct state. And even then I made around $10,000 that year… why would they come after me? It’s more annoying than anything.

We paid for what we hope will be the last of the vet bills this week. She was spayed and still seems like the giardia is gone. We’ve said that before, but I’m hoping it’s finally gone this time. I don’t want to add up how much we’ve spent at the vet since we’ve gotten her.

I’ve been asked a few times these last few weeks what my dream job would be or what I would go back to school if we could afford it. I don’t have an answer. We’ve been so focused on helping the family and my husband going for his dream job(s). We’ve been surviving and I’ve been taking it one day at a time. It’s hard to dream when my first priority is to get rid of debt and my second priority is to get our own place. I need to work on that.

I think that’s all. I’ve been anxiously waiting for more news from Scottishgirl all day: how her appt went and if her move to her mom’s went smoothly. :-)

3 Responses to “Many Things”

  1. scottish girl Says:

    I've updated my blog Smile
    Hope that's you done with vet bills.

    It sounds like you're sorted for hubby starting school Smile

  2. Jerry Says:

    What in the world is NC doing bothering you for taxes 4 years after the fact, when you didn't even reside there then? That has to lead to some frustration, but you should be able to show them their error. Hopefully that will offer you some insurance that they stop bothering you soon. Annoying though, yeah.

  3. TarWalker Says:

    @Jerry - I just had to email copies of my W-2s and explain the situation. They emailed back a few days later dismissing the case. I spent more time getting copies of the W-2s (that were lost in moving couple years ago) than it took them to dismiss it.

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